Homecoming Week 2024

anchorman logo

The week of Monday, September 23 is Homecoming Week 2024 here at Rhode Island College. Make sure that you're a part of the action!

Join the RIC Community for a Week of Fun!

Be here for all of our Homecoming weekday events (full details coming soon):

  • Alumni Awards Ceremony
  • Athletic Matches
  • Performances

with RICFest on Saturday, September 28 topping off the week - bringing enjoyment for parents, families, alumni, students, and future anchors.

Our Signature Saturday Event

RICFest promotional graphic

RICFest 2024 | Registration

Our offerings this Saturday, September 28 are numerous: a family zone, pottery workshops, admissions tours, music and dance performances, beehive tours, food trucks, and much more.

Can you help with the day? Offer to Volunteer


Ensuring Access for All

Individuals needing reasonable accommodations for disability access are asked to contact the Alumni Office at 401-456-8086 or alumni@philboardport.com with 72 hours notice.

Rhode Island College entrance

We're Excited to See You!

College Events and Engagement

College Events and Engagement is a team of experienced event professionals available as a resource to on-campus and community event organizers.