Certificate of Continuing Study Programs

Professional Studies health workers group photo

继续学习证书(CCS)课程在广泛的研究领域提供,旨在为职业服务, 不同学生群体的培训和/或专业发展需求.


Accounting student sits, attentive in class with pen and paper
  • Bookkeeping and Accounting
  • 簿记和会计+(适用于需要英语作为第二语言和/或补习课程的学生)
  • Behavioral Health for Paraprofessionals
  • Behavioral Health Training
  • 心血管病 & Diabetes Management (for CHWs)
RIC student taking blood pressure in public clinic
  • 社区卫生工作者(CHW)培训(基础)(非英语母语学生) 
  • HIV Certificate Program for Case Managers & 直接护理人员
  • Interdisciplinary Studies for Assessment and Treatment of Trauma
  • Leadership Development for Health Care Professionals
Student takes another student's blood pressure
  • Medical Assistant Training
  • 医疗助理培训加(RI-Best)(适用于需要英语作为第二语言和/或补习课程的学生)
  • Medical Interpreter English/Portuguese
  • Medical Interpreter English/Spanish
  • 公共卫生 & Equity Sign Language Interpreter Training Program
  • Working with and Supporting Older Adults for Direct Service Workers Training

More Program Details and How to 应用

Who Participates in CCS Programs?

man and woman talking to each other

从大学经验有限的成年人到寻求晋升和新的职业专业的研究生和在职专业人士, a diverse group of people seek out our CCS programs. 这些课程主要包括获得继续教育单元(ceu)的课程和/或讲习班。, 并且与esball官方网的本科或研究生学位无关. CCS项目的入学和保留要求因培训目标受众和范围而异,从最低限度到高度选择性.

How are CCS Programs Funded and What is the Cost for Participants?

CCS项目通常由州和政府机构和/或行业雇主赞助,以解决劳动力发展和行业员工培训需求. CCS programs are not eligible for federal financial aid; however eligible adult students and/or sponsor employees are often able to participate at reduced or no cost.

关于 Each CCS Program and How to 应用

Bookkeeping and Accounting


  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study
  • Eligibility Requirements: high school diploma or GED, passing a BCI background check, motivated to learn new skills and start in an entry level position

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Bookkeeping and Accounting Plus

为需要英语作为第二语言和/或补习课程的学生准备入门级文书和簿记职位,如会计文员, 发布员, 应收帐款文员, 工资职员, 或簿记员.

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study
  • Eligibility Requirements: high school diploma or GED, passing a BCI background check, motivated to learn new skills and start in an entry level position

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Behavioral Health for Paraprofessionals

为前线工作人员开设了30小时的证书,以发展行为健康知识和技能,并以行为健康为导向,包括挑战, concepts and work的地方 application.

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study

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Behavioral Health Training

通过雇主伙伴关系开发的30小时证书向一线保健工作者介绍挑战, concepts and work的地方 applications of behavioral health.

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study
  • Eligibility Requirements: incumbent worker at partner hospital/institution

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心血管病 & Diabetes Management (for CHWs)

对获得认证的卫生工作者进行补充培训,以建立由RICB和RIDOH建立的核心能力领域的知识和技能. Applicable to CHWs across the health care workforce.

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study
  • Eligibility Requirements: practicing CHW

Tell the CHWARI Director You're Interested

Community Health Worker (CHW) Training (Foundation Level)

Provides entry level training for CHWs who are non-native English speakers. Builds knowledge and skills in 9 competency areas.

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study

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HIV Certificate Program for Case Managers & 直接护理人员


  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study
  • Eligibility Requirements: practicing CHW

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Interdisciplinary Studies for Assessment and Treatment of Trauma

Concentration on trauma-informed assessment, treatment and evaluation models, incorporating discussions of NCTSN’s Twelve Core Concepts of Trauma.

  • 获得:继续学习证书,72 CEU学分:12个月内每月上一节课
  • 资格要求:开放给硕士及以上所有学位的专业人士

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Leadership Development for Health Care Professionals

Builds knowledge and skills in communication, 团队建设, 改变, 项目及财务, 质量改进, employee engagement and performance measurement. Interactive training utilizes case studies, 互动角色扮演, 集思广益,自我评估领导素质/技能,制定自我提升计划. Program consists of 30 contact hours or 3.0 Continuing Education Unit

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study

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Medical Assistant Training

临床培训, clerical and administrative skills including HIPPA, 急救, 心肺复苏, 接待, 调度, 医学术语, 图表, testing and basic pharmacology. 一个20周的项目:15周的课堂作业,然后在5-6周内完成至少120小时的实习. 失业者的理想选择, 未充分就业, 失业的工人以及有动力学习新技能并获得就业的学生.

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study and 心肺复苏 Certification
  • Eligibility Requirements: applicants 18 years or older, who have a high school diploma or equivalent, and can provide a RI BCI Background Check

Attend an Info Session and then 应用

Medical Assistant Training Plus (RI-Best)

专为讲ESOL的人设计的课程,结合了ESOL支持和额外的英语语言教学以及临床培训, clerical and administrative skills including HIPPA, 急救, 心肺复苏, 接待, 调度, 医学术语, 图表, testing and basic pharmacology. 720 training hours (30hrs/week for 24 weeks) and 120 hour minimum internship. 失业者的理想选择, 未充分就业, 失业的工人以及有动力学习新技能并获得就业的学生.

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study and 心肺复苏 Certification
  • 资格要求:申请人年满18岁或以上,具有高级英语水平, who have a high school diploma or equivalent

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Medical Interpreter English/Portuguese

  • 葡萄牙语/英语医疗口译培训课程,包括美国医疗保健系统知识, professional responsibility, 翻译伦理, 文化反应, 医学术语. 强化视译、交替传译和同声传译的练习. 一个学期,120学时.
  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study, 12 CEU’s
  • Eligibility requirement: advanced fluency in Portuguese and English

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Medical Interpreter English/Spanish


公共卫生 & Equity Sign Language Interpreter Training Program

公共卫生手语课程,包括卫生保健系统知识和语言能力, integrates consumer-focused care as part of public healthcare teams, understanding of the intersection of justice, 公平和社会决定健康,并在应用循证做法和道德决策的同时,确认和解决高质量医疗保健的障碍. 9 months, 120 hours, week-long residency

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study, 12 CEU’s

应用 to the Sign Language Program

Working with and Supporting Older Adults for Direct Service Workers Training

在老龄化和社会领域与老年人一起工作的知识和技能, 健康老龄化, 对社区卫生工作者和其他直接护理工作者进行专门培训. Requires 72 contact hours or 7.2 Continuing Education Units 

  • Earn: Certificate of Continuing Study

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注册 for Your CCS Program Courses


Rhode Island College entrance


Office of Professional Studies and Continuing Education



珍妮弗R. 吉鲁

Vice President of Corporate Relations and Professional Studies